I think this this has been my longest break from blogging since I started eight months ago. It isn't that I haven't had anything to report- if fact the opposite is true but my spare time just hasn't been...er, spare.
My last blog mentioned how the weather had finally turned Spring-like and one of the pics in this 'episode' show how much melt-water (we call it 'bree') was coming down the river. The snow got such a shift that the wreaths that we would have liked to use for fire-breaks for our heather burning disappeared before we could put them to use; as one of my colleagues found out. He returned that evening, his face black with soot (apart from the white stripes where the sweat had run) and complaining of a sore arm. He'd been beating at (and beaten by) one fire for the whole day. Ouch.
Mind you,I wasn't feeling too fresh myself. I'd been installing grit trays out on the hill (this is a new thing) and this involves digging divots (turves to you) and creating a mound into which you set the tray (see pic). I reckon I'd dug over a hundred divots that day.
Two days later the clocks had changed to British Summertime and he- with his sore arm- and me- with my tired back- were digging snow drifts out of gateways. The blizzard we'd had was the worst of the winter.Or do I mean summer?
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