Thursday 19 July 2012

Sore Calves

As I had guessed, going back to work after a fortnights holiday was a bit of a shock to the system. Especially as I was straight in to doing up my grouse butts.

The first line we went to was a brisk 45 minute walk with a nice wee pull up a brae to finish. And it just about finished me.

Well here we are 3 days on and today I started off doing a grouse count then continued by touring round some gritting stations. We have to withdraw the medicated grit from the grouse diet in advance of the shooting season so I have to get round all 200++ of my trays in the next few days.

Today I got round 80. And if you consider they are 200 yards apart, that's a lot of yards. (That's certainly what my legs are telling me.)

I thought you'd enjoy these pics. One is of a red deer calf that Ed latched onto. Normally you try and leave a calf like this alone- and not put any scent on it- but I had to ward off Ed and 3 spaniels.

The other pic was taken right up by my march with the neighbouring estate. It took me over an hour to walk up there but I'd rather that than a road like the one in the shot.
I had to do a double-take when I first saw this pic- I thought the dogs were practicing their circus trick.


  1. Think you're due a comment or two.

    Picture 2: how do the deer get on with that (electric?) fence set-up?
    Was part of your hill stripped (top left) for grazing post war? - perhaps just an exuberant heather fire...

    Best, N

  2. The fence keeps them out pretty effectively- unless it's under a huge drift of snow.
    As far as the green hill goes, I don't think it's down to grazing pressure- a lot of the hills in this area are grassy- and some are heathery- and that's the way it's been as long as anyone can remember.
